Der Schwamm

my loins shiver with excitement. where are all the rabbit pies?



  • freelens (01/09/2008)
    You know Micheal Jackson turned 50 just the other day? Maybe Fest should plan another film for his 100th birthday.
  • Schlondak (01/09/2008)
    Ach! Der Swinehund!
  • dogstrangler (04/09/2008)
    i am like the ignorant Spaniard/ Vietnamese person ...... Phouc tif Feyeno !!!!
  • Kadir (04/09/2008)
    Thriller meets Night in Roxbury meets Stars Wars meets Germans.
  • Franko (08/09/2008)
    "Land of the Dead" meets "Star Wars". German speaking zombies in intergalactic UFO chase? How cliche. And what did he really mean by that reference to speck (the juniper flavoured prosciutto I like to add to my morning scramble)?
  • freelens (09/09/2008)
    Volkswagen (Volkswagen) wie viel (how much) Verschwinden (to disappear) Vorwärts (forwards) The sponge - Der schwamm The sponge - Der schwamm i have a bowl of fruit - ich habe eine Schale mit Obst my loins shiver with excitement - meine Lenden zittert mit Spannung Volkswagen (Volkswagen) wie viel (how much) Verschwinden (to disappear) Vorwärts (forwards) fatten the pigs with pig fat - mästen der Schweine mit Speck where are all the rabbit pies - Wo sind all die Kaninchen Pasteten don't play with my children - Sie spielen nicht mit meinen Kindern The sponge - Der schwamm The sponge - Der schwamm Volkswagen (Volkswagen) wie viel (how much) Verschwinden (to disappear) Vorwärts (forwards)
  • danitiwa (14/11/2009)
    Is this song about an STD?