Another moment of brilliant shiny pants from Phillip and the Fest Fiesta Club Band. Feed my dog, wear a big hat, shiny pants; all good advice for the modern day urban cowboy. YESSSS!
Daniel (11/10/2008)
Very handy for a bleeding arse. Whether it be yours or your friend's arse, it doesn't matter. Just soak up the blood and when it's all gone, start again.
ika (24/10/2008)
I love his shiny pants.
mighty-behemoth (31/10/2008)
i like his hat... and his shiny pants
dont like his dog
simonlangfordely (23/02/2009)
i <3 dog
Chzz (19/05/2009)
I love this song so much. Awesome arts too.
danitiwa (14/11/2009)
You know who doesn't like the shiny pants? The guy from Bedtime stories.
nr1213 (06/10/2012)
That is the coolest thing since yoghurt pants. So awesome. Where can we find the lyrics? I am especially interested in the background spanish!
Schlondak (06/10/2008)
freelens (06/10/2008)
Franko (06/10/2008)
Daniel (11/10/2008)
ika (24/10/2008)
mighty-behemoth (31/10/2008)
simonlangfordely (23/02/2009)
Chzz (19/05/2009)
danitiwa (14/11/2009)
nr1213 (06/10/2012)